I write about all the things that worry me.

Primarily this would be the grand game of software engineering and the primal existential angst it brings along with it, but I also write about the future, physics related things, and often just things that either annoy me or send me into a spiral of cognitive dissonance.

I also run a niche publication, Eldritch Scriptorium, consisting of Lovecraftian related fiction which you may like to peruse or possibly contribute.

If you'd prefer to show extra support or aren't a subscriber but would like to contribute something toward my windswept, cold, and generally worrying existence (primarily an unhealthy coffee habit) then you can do so by buying me a proverbial coffee or just following me on X / Twitter where I regularly post a range of nonsense disguised as informed commentary, interesting links, and like way too many memes.

(I am somewhat taken aback that I haven't reached a million followers yet on any 'social media' platform, but hey give it time. I also have kind of a website that lists my posts if you just want to flick though - I try to choose appropriate stock images to reflect the underlying message)

I also use way too many words. I guess I have a lot to say.

Medium member since April 2021
Editor of CodeX and EldritchScriptorium
Connect with Dr Stuart Woolley
Dr Stuart Woolley

Dr Stuart Woolley

Worries about the future. Way too involved with software. Likes coffee, maths, and . Would prefer to be in academia. SpaceX, X, and Overwatch fan.