I think it's a hill I'd choose to die on, really, in that I truly believe anything 'cross-platform' or based on a 'web view' is a truly inferior product (without getting into specifics like 1Password which is just really really disappointing too).
I'm also no fan of VSCode, primarily as where it originated from to be honest, but also it just oozes bloat (like JVMs, IE, Chrome, ...) with its hideous bolt-ons and 'app store' of bloatery.
I'm very much of the school that some things really should have a higher barrier to entry, as having a low barrier leads to a kind of landslide of all comsuming sludge that just makes everything worse.
I group 'no code' solutions with this, as I also do with anything 'written in' Excel, and pretty much everything to do with the Android platform.
Some native apps are crap, indeed they are, but they do have a higher barrier to entry (especially in modern times) and they can take full advantage of the API and hardware of proper operating systems - not some hodge podge half-assed half-baked compromise of pseudocode that half compiles here or half compiles there.
Sometimes I dearly wish we could, as a community, forcibly retire specific languages and paradigms for the good of us in the future.