InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyThe Unspoken Advantage Of Remote WorkingThat which never, ever must be named. Especially in front of middle-manageFeb 1530Feb 1530
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyClosing Down The DiscussionA subversive way to take on disguised RTO mandates, if you’re feeling a little Machiavellian.Feb 22Feb 22
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyShould Remote Workers Be Paid Less?The correct answer is obvious, unless you’re a middle-manager.Jan 739Jan 739
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyBanishing Work From Home GuiltWhen there are no distractions it’s a bit like you’re waking up from your previous indoctrination by the big corporate machine.Nov 20, 20241Nov 20, 20241
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyThe Lost Art Of Whiteboard HieroglyphicsThe writing is on the wall, but now it’s at home and not in the office.Oct 11, 20245Oct 11, 20245
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyThe Progressive Engineer’s Guide To RTO MandatesIf you’re unfortunate enough to have a Victorian employer who actively hates you, then I’ve got some advice you might just need.Sep 23, 20242Sep 23, 20242
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyHow Human Resources Torpedoes TrustIf it’s carrot or stick when it comes to controlling the employees, then the stick is always the easy, inexpensive, and fear inducing…Jul 6, 20245Jul 6, 20245
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyA Day In The Life Of A “Return To Office” WorkerIf your manager thinks remote working isn’t efficient, then maybe you should read this article to them.Jun 20, 202412Jun 20, 202412
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyThe Continued Hostility To Remote WorkingSince the corporate world was forced to compromise, it’s now intent on making hybrid workers as absolutely miserable as possible.Jun 14, 20244Jun 14, 20244
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyThe Unintended Consequences Of “Return To Office” MandatesLessons in how efficiency is actually reduced by forced return thanks to the usual failing management practices.May 24, 202415May 24, 202415
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyThe Death Of The Office, At LastNever has such an instrument of torture been so wholly embraced by the workforce out of pure habit alone.Apr 12, 20241Apr 12, 20241
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyThe Sameness Of The Corporate OfficeThe grim corridors, faceless meeting rooms, and mass produced sterile furniture aren’t conducive to anything but lethargy and torpor.Feb 23, 20242Feb 23, 20242
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyThe Radical Evolution Of Remote WorkingA new surprising paradigm is so much more than the sum of its parts.Jan 16, 20244Jan 16, 20244
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyThe Great Managerial RelocationAn evolution born of limited resources, shrinking drinks allowances, and the ever present need for quiet to have a quick snooze.Oct 10, 20237Oct 10, 20237
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyWhat Management Thinks I Do At HomeRemote workers are the happiest and most efficient cogs in the machine, so why do most managers despise us so much?Oct 1, 2023Oct 1, 2023
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyAddressing Management Domination Of Online MeetingsWhat was once an online window of accidental and often humorous mistakes is now becoming populated with deliberate bullying, coercion, and…Aug 10, 20232Aug 10, 20232
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyVisiting An Office Really Is A Time Wasting ExerciseRemote workers have stepped outside the corporate matrix and can now see objectively what’s really going on.Aug 4, 202310Aug 4, 202310
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyArtificial Selection Has Damaged The WorkplaceFrom an evolutionary perspective the modern workplace has become something that shouldn’t survive, but still clings to existence — for now.Jul 1, 20232Jul 1, 20232
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyIs Working From Home A Perk?Managers think it is, employees know that it isn’t.Jun 21, 20234Jun 21, 20234
InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyJust What Constitutes A Toxic Work Environment?There are more hazards in the workplace than just the usual political machinations of the powers that be.Jun 8, 2023Jun 8, 2023