InCodeXbyDr Stuart WoolleyVideo Games Built The Programmer’s HeartA trip down memory lane and how its temporal ripples have panned out in the modern day dystopia of software engineering.Feb 104Feb 104
InGeek CulturebyDr Stuart WoolleyThe Wonderful Magic of UnixAn operating system that is rooted deeply in my heart, literally.Apr 9, 20236Apr 9, 20236
Dr Stuart WoolleyA Cold War Story : “The Spy And The Traitor”A short almost-review of the gripping book by Ben MacIntyre detailing the story of double agent Oleg Gordievsky.Jun 24, 2022Jun 24, 2022
Dr Stuart WoolleyThe Cold War Era Seemed A Better Time, SomehowToday, we’re more fragmented than ever and we’ve forgotten how precarious our civilisation really is.Jun 4, 20223Jun 4, 20223